Maanantaina kun tulimme opistoon, oli melkein kaikki tyypit uusia ja vieraita. Alkuviikko menikin tutustuessa talon tapoihin ja uusiin opistokavereihin, etenkin oman solun asukkaisiin. Ekalla viikolla lähettiin alkuvaellukselle Perhon puolelle Salamajärven kansallispuistoon.
Vaellus vauhditti tutustumista ainakin viikolla. Leiripaikalla oli mahtavaa viettää aikaa uusien ihmisten kanssa ja tehdä mukavia asioita: siellä syötiin hyvin, laulettiin paljon ja halukkaat saivat käydä saunassa. Nukkumispaikat olivat kohtalaiset. Osa tytöistä pääsi sisärakennukseen ja loput ulos pressukatoksen alle. Pojat ”joutuivat” vanhaan hevostalliin raivattuaan sinne nukkumasijansa. Paluupatikointi taittui nopeasti. Bussien noutopaikalle päästyämme oli mahtava fiilis.
Ensimmäinen viikko oli todella kiireistä ja välillä väsyttävääkin; aina vain mentiin ja kohdattiin uusia tilanteita ja ihmisiä. Lauantaina oli opiston olympialaiset urheilukentällä, joissa nähtiin mahtavia suorituksia eri lajeissa. Illalla kävimme Kokkolan ry:llä venetsialaisissa.
On sunday the 30th of september there was evening services. We were able to be refreshed with God’s word and end an enjoyable “in-weekend” at the opisto.
On monday was the beginning of the first week of classes according to schedule. At opisto there are many opportunities to take part in different elective classes in which you enjoy as well as try out new courses. This week there was chamber choir tryouts during the beginning days of the week. On wednesday there were many surprised and happy faces when they learnt that they passed the chamber choir exam.
This week were were designated to be apart of different committees. The students were able to rate their choices by basing them off of their experience and interest. These committees were then given their first meeting to see how well they worked together as a team. Each of these committees then had their first formal meeting on wednesday where the spokesperson, vice-spokesperson and the secretary of each committee were chosen. These spokespeople and vice-spokespeople then joined together for the first committee meeting. They each chose whether or not they wanted to take part in the president’s election. Eight of these people agreed to take part. A lot of new information as well as getting to know each other and getting used to opisto life was thrown our way. Many volleyball, floorball, spike and other games were played, as well as singing. This week was filled with much excitement and new experiences for each and every student.
Patricia ja Jaakko