We started our week out on Sunday by having a late breakfast. We had breakfast at 11:15, then had a lesson about self esteem. We all wrote down some basic goals we’d like to complete before the Opisto year was up. After that we had some relay races and games, then free time! In the evening we all went to the gym and played games. It was a very enjoyable evening.
Early on Monday morning, the LEL line left to go hunting and fishing for the night. As for the rest of us, we had a normal school day, but there was excitement in the air. The boys volleyball team was going to face the Haapajärvi boys that evening! When the evening came, most of the students went down to the gym to watch the match. Our boys played pretty good, but they weren’t quite up to par. The Haapajärvi boys ended up winning, but it was a very good match!
Torstaina saimme opistolle tärkeitä vieraita: EU-tarkastajia. Opiston mieskuoro lauloi heille: ’Eikä me olla veljeksiä’ ja heille lahjoitettiin myös viimevuoden opistolaisten tekemä cd-levy. Lahjoittajana toimi meidän kaikkien kunnioittama opiston presidentti Jaakko Pentti. Tänään illalla on oppilaskunnan ohjelmailta, jonka toteuttavat metsästystä harrastavat opistolaiset. Huomenna lähdemme kotiin ja palaamme taas maanantaina opistolle!
Hanna (from USA) ja Topias